
The prosthetic limb project at HMH Trichy is done in association with the local Rotary Club. This project has donated hundreds of limbs to people who have lost their limbs and livelihood.

In 2014 alone, over 500 people were given a chance at a new life of independence and productivity. Sankara Cancer Foundation aims to expand the reach of this project ten-fold by 2020.

We need your generous donations to make this happen.

Did you know…

that there are 5.4 Million physically disabled people in India, many of whom cannot lead an independent and productive life for want of a mobility aid.

We provide mobility devices to poor physically disabled people in India, helping them live independent and productive lives with dignity.

You can help in many ways!

Can you support us by sponsoring one or more of these devices?

It costs us approximately $30 a crutch on average to provide a mobility aid to a person in need.